Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Miss Henslee has become quite the tantrum throwing little gal.  It has gotten to the point that I am nervous to take her anywhere. When the tantrums started a few months ago they were at home. Then she started throwing them in Daddy's car. So we began to think that she hates Daddy's car. Well she started throwing them at the store, in any car, pretty much anywhere.

These tantrums are not the typical tantrum. I know what a tantrum is. Henslee's little brother throws them quite often but the difference is he settles down after 5 min. Henslee will last for hours, sometimes the entire day. With Nixon I can reason with him ask him what he needs and he can tell me, Henslee on the other hand can not!  She is suffering. She is so frustrated. She is so sad. She is just down right mad! And as her mother I can not help her. I can't hold her without getting elbowed in the nose, punched in the face, scratched in the chest or bitten. She is getting to big for me to handle during the tantrum. I have to just let her be. We were with family over the weekend and it happened to be one of her bad days. We were celebrating a birthday, which should be a ton of fun right? Not in our case. She was mad. So I went to put in her in bed and just held her, I held her as tight as she would let me and she bawled. I bawled.   We are seeing her pediatrician on Monday. I hope that they will be able to give us something to give her to help calm her down. It breaks my heart. Henslee has always been one of those easy going little girls. She has never really been a crier. Even when she was little she didn't cry, hardly ever. I just hate to see my little Miss so frustrated. I can't even begin to imagine how frustrating it is for her to not be able to tell us why she is so upset.

1 comment:

  1. That's a hard one. I can only imagine how frustrated Hens is that she can't tell you what she wants. I understand that it gets to a point that you just have to put them down and walk away sometimes too. Otherwise your heart just breaks in half. Sam use to have night terrors and when she got a little bigger she was too big for me to hold onto without getting an elbow in the nose, etc. So I feel your pain on that one. I know it doesn't help much, but know we think of you often!
