Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Our new friends

Leah & Henslee
Where to start???  This is an INCREDIBLE family. About a month ago I was up researching Rett Syndrome. I came across a few blogs of mothers writing about their daughters with Rett Syndrome. I read a few and thought to myself...this is not Henslee. These girls were beautiful courageous  girls but they weren't even similar to Henslee. Then I stumbled upon Leah's blog written by her beautiful momma. I think I read about every single post. I was drawn to this beautiful little girl. She was just like my little Henslee in SO many ways.  Her mom was inspiring, truthful, honest and uplifting as she wrote about her little Leah that was suffering from Rett Syndrome. I contacted her and she instantly wrote back. We emailed back and forth until we were able to meet on Sunday.  What a blessing it was to meet them. The more we talked the more I discovered how really similar Henslee and Leah are. They are both walking which is not very common among girls suffering from Rett's. They both hit milestones at the same age.  They both have incredible personalities. The list could go on and on. Leah is 3 years older than Henslee.  Henslee is following right behind Leah in so many ways. Leah is a beautiful girl and I am so glad Henslee has a new friend like Leah.  It seems like for the very first time in 2 years we have answers, we have help, we have someone that has gone through what we are going through and can help us through it.  We are so blessed to have been able to meet them.  I know Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. Thank you Ryan and Maren for being an answer to our prayers!!!


  1. My heart just lifted a mile for you while reading this post! I am so glad you've found some support & comfort in a form that you were needing. Family & friends will always be there, but I know from experience too that there is something special about finding someone who can really relate to you and what you're going through. So happy you found that! :)

  2. I am so glad you found someone else to talk to and relate with. Love all your posts, and just you, you are beautiful and so is Hens!

  3. I am just going to reiterate what has already been said but I know how great it is to finally find someone who knows what you are going through :) Hope you get to talk often!

  4. SO happy to have met you and your darling family. And I'll have to tell you a funny story about this post when I get back to my home and computer. Too funny.
